
Content and Media Strategist

Who has been a big influence in your career?

Seth Godin, from afar. He might be technically a marketer, but to me he is a thought leader and philosopher. His leadership, generosity and originality really resonate with me, and I am always taken with the way he sees the world and the way he communicates. I love all his books, but Tribes and Linchpin are my favorites.

What is one of your proudest professional moments or accomplishments?

Co-creating and editing CUE Magazine for Gambit. I love a good creative challenge, and it was really satisfying and fun to come up with all the concepts, sections, themes and stories from scratch. But my favorite part was having license to do some off-the-wall things for the covers and fashion shoots.

What are some things people do not know about you?

Before I had kids, I played guitar and sang in a little band. We wrote our own songs and played a few gigs at some local New Orleans bars and coffee shops. I also studied and performed improv for about a year with a local comedy company before the pandemic – also fun while it lasted.

If you weren’t in PR, what would you be doing?

In my dreams, I’m a prolific mixed media artist – living in an upscale, kid-friendly artist commune/spa in the mountains – who regularly hosts jam session dinner parties serving alcohol that doesn’t give anyone hangovers.


Louisiana State University, Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, minor in Spanish

University of Kent at Canterbury, England, Master’s program in Image Studies