What the Public Really Wants to Hear From Businesses

MANAGING EXPECTATIONS AMID THE COVID-19 CRISIS These are strange, scary times. The way a business or organization communicates with its…

TegPR Working Alongside Clients & Media Amid COVID-19 Pandemic

Given recent global events, The Ehrhardt Group | TegPR is working closely with clients and trusted media partners to deliver…

Louisiana Launches “Pack the Pirogue” Donation Drive, Collecting School Supplies for Local Classrooms in Need

Credit Union representatives, Jonathan, Lyndsey, and Katie presented Ms. Errington’s 3rd grade class (Lutcher Elementary) with a pirogue full of…

Stone Pigman: The 2018 Farm Bill Explained

Stone Pigman Walther Wittmann LLC attorney Bryant York served as guest writer for Biz New Orleans magazine to break down…